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I hate myself for not "discovering" Clone Hero earlier - it is such a fun game regardless of how you play. It is a free "shareware version" of the Guitar Hero games, focused entirely on custom content. I have made a lot of charts myself ever since May 2020.
Because it'd be absolutely tedious to link each individual chart that I've made, as well as all the showcase videos I have so's a download link to most of them. Some of these are short and stupid, some of them a little rough around the edges - but tolerable enough for me to share them publicly. Enjoy!

Last updated October 12, 2021

TO-DO LIST (as of April 28, 2022)
- Selections from the Elementalism soundtrack

Reach out to me if you have a chart request!

Prodeus MIDI Soundtrack (Chart Showcase) - YouTube - Google Chrome 4_28_2022 3_22_22
Velvetic - Otherworld Voices [Chart Showcase] - YouTube - Google Chrome 4_28_2022 3_28_31
COMPLETED SETLISTS (as of April 28, 2022)

Eviternity Soundtrack  various artists

Crime Signatures    Regular Warren

Prodeus MIDI Soundtrack   James Paddock


  • The charts of the Black Mesa soundtrack, Attack of the Dead Men, Sleepwalking, and some of Doom (1993) are my earliest ones and may not be top-notch.

  • I aim to chart all difficulties for songs, but sometimes I don't have the energy/patience to (or a song is so easy that it's pointless to). Some charts only have three difficulties, some only two, some only one.

  • Crime Signatures EP by Regular Warren does not contain difficulty settings.

© 2021 by Keagan Dunn. Created with

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